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Managing crowds is an important responsibility to keep venues and their customers safe. In order for owners or staff to become certified crowd managers they must be a minimum of 21 years of age. No one that is under the age of 21 can be certified, nor can they work as or otherwise be considered a certified crowd manager in the state of Massachusetts.
Venues open to the public that have a capacity of 100 or more persons are required to comply with crowd manager guidelines. A crowd manager is required to be on staff and on the floor during all hours of business operations. For this reason, the owner or operator is always required to complete crowd manager certification and to designate another certified crowd manager whenever they are not on site and for every 250 patrons.
For large venues, a crowd manager must be designated by the owner or operator for every 250 occupants. Occupants are not just guests, a venue's occupancy is the combination of patrons, employees, and any other visitors, such as delivery persons.