How many men and women use this space on a daily basis?
On a daily basis, approximately 50 men and women use this space.

How Many Men and Women Use This Space On a Daily Basis?
Have you ever wanted to know how many people visit your business or location on a daily basis? Knowing this information can be beneficial in helping you manage your location and staffing. Fortunately, there is now a free crowd counter app available at that can help answer this question.
The crowd counter app from uses an automated system to help business owners and managers track the number of people entering and exiting their premises. With this app, you can track the number of men and women that visit your space on a daily basis.
The app uses facial recognition technology to accurately identify men and women. Whenever a person enters or leaves your location, the app will count them and log that data. You can then view your data and analyze it to get an accurate count of how many men and women visit your space on a daily basis.
Moreover, the app provides real-time data, so you can always get an up-to-date count of how many men and women use your space on a daily basis. This real-time data can also be used to track customer demographics, such as age, ethnicity, and so on.
The crowd counter app from is a great way for business owners and managers to track the number of people entering and exiting their locations. With this app, you can find out exactly how many men and women use your space on a daily basis.