How many men and women use the office space during the day?
During the day, the office space is typically used by around 20 men and women.

How Many Men and Women Use the Office Space During the Day?
The answer to this question depends on the size and type of office space. Generally, the ratio of men to women using the office space during the day will be approximately equal. However, it is difficult to measure the exact numbers without an accurate record-keeping system.
That’s where Nowaitn’s free crowd counter app comes in. Nowaitn’s crowd counter app allows users to count and track the number of people coming in and out of a space. This includes counting the number of people by gender, making it easy for business owners to get an accurate measure of the male and female population using their office space during the day.
The app also has other useful features like tracking peak times, days, and more. This allows business owners to better plan their staffing and operations in order to accommodate the highest number of people possible.
Nowaitn’s free crowd counter app is a great tool for business owners looking to get an accurate measure of the number of people who use their office space during the day. With it, they can easily track the ratio of men to women and make better decisions about staffing, operations, and more.