Local authorities are on the lookout, and conduct regular inspections of buildings and places of assembly. Every month, local fire-safety inspectors cite hundreds of Boston area restaurants, nightclubs, and bars maintaining unsafe conditions inside their buildings. After receiving a citation, and depending on the circumstances, business owners may be required to appear before before the local licensing officials for a disciplinary hearing. Among the most common penalties for business owners is the suspension or revocation of their business or alcoholic beverages licenses.
As of 2013, all places of assembly with a capacity of more than 250 persons must designate and maintain a state-certified crowd-manager on-site at all times during regular business hours who must complete a daily fire-safety checklist. In addition, crowd-managers must submit for retesting and recertification.
A crowd management plan is a document that outlines the procedures and policies that are used to manage the public during a large public gathering. The plan should cover contingencies, such as potential emergencies or disasters, and should be tailored to the specific population and environment.